Bring it. Better.

We’ve all wondered how we could do better, faster. 

Clutch gets you the insights you need.

You are in the dark

  • You never get feedback about how you’re doing

  • You don’t know what good looks like

Which leads to

  • Anxiety - am I doing a good job?

  • Imposter syndrome - am I good enough?

  • Frustration - are my colleagues talking behind my back?

  • Poor performance - why are we not hitting our goals?

The Clutch Solution

Clutch Skills Framework for high growth leadership


A system that manages the feedback process


The Clutch Scorecard

Image of Leader in the dark

Imagine: Image of leader in the dark

Resulting In

  • A new way to have explicit conversations

  • Improved individual and team performance

  • Relief

Imagine: Image of the team with the insights

“I ordered the Leader and Team Scorecards for me and my Executive Team. When we met to discuss our results, we were immediately able to see how we could improve individually and as a team. The data was clear and actionable. In just a few months we are already executing on the commitments we made. I highly recommend the Clutch Scorecards to improve how you and your colleagues lead together.”

—Elizabeth, CEO

Start Now

It’s easy for you to implement today

  1. Place your order

  2. Clutch sends emails to participants

  3. Participants provide asynchronous feedback(online, on their own time)

  4. Clutch’s AI synthesizes and scores responses against the Clutch Skills Framework

  5. Your Scorecard is delivered 

Our products

Leader Scorecard

Team Scorecard

Board Scorecard

Bring it, Better isn’t just our motto. 

Clutch provides precise, on-the-nose feedback that is both pragmatic and profound, ensuring you’re always ready to tackle what’s next.